tagitta uyea!
Rabu, 03 Desember 2008
yang view ,jadi pengikut yeaaaaaa

40 things you didn't know about me until you read this...

1)What color is your toothbrush?
- purple

2)What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
-online hehe

3)What is your favorite candy bar?
-gasuka candy saya

4)Have you ever been to a strip club?
-blom lah masih kecil tauk

5) What is the last thing you said aloud?

6)What is the best ice cream flavor?

7)What was the last thing you had to drink?
- mineral water

8)What are you wearing right now?
- OeL's uniform z

9)What was the last thing you ate?
- ngg ,ayam

10)Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
- aaaa papa mama krisis ekonomi huaaa

11)When was the last time you ran? why ?
- udah lama ngk larilarian hehe boseen!

12)Who was the last person to send you a message/ comment on Friendster?
- kenetooooooo

13)Do you take vitamins daily?
- engga tuh

14) Do you go to church every Sunday?
- yoah ,tapi not every haha

15)Do you have an iPod?
- noooo (poor I)

16)Do you like Chinese food over pizza?
- both

17)Do you drink your soda with a straw?
- sometimes

18)What did your last text message say?
- "sayang..aku baru pulang nni hehe gimna tadi ulumnya?" rio said;

19)Are you someone's best friend?
- ya elaaaaaah (tp gatau juga deng)

20)What are you doing tomorrow?
- ABIS ULUM mo jalaaaaaaaan

21) Where is your dad?
- office (working)

22)Look to your left, what do you see?
- door

23)What color is your watch?
- purple

24)Last guy you talked on the phone with?
- my dad

25)Last girl you talked on the phone with?
- my mom

26)Any plans today?

- ehm belajaaaaaaar buat ulum besog grr

27)Biggest fight in your life right now?
- dapet nem bagus terus masuk SMA negeri

28)Can you say the alphabet backwards?
- yaaaaaaaaaaa!

29)Do you have a maid service clean your house?
- no, i don't

30)Are you jealous of anyone?
- ngg... (maybe)

31)Do any of your friends have children?
- blom laah, masih pada muda gituu

32)Do you hate anyone that you know right now?
- enggaaaaa

33)Do you like cats?
- kurang, better kalong haha

34)What is your favorite smell?
- peach, lavender

35)What was the last dvd you watched?
- cinderella story hihi

36)Do you like sudoku?
- kagak!

37)Have you ever been to Disney Land?
- beloooooom org gapunya duit mau belaga ke hngkong z

38)What is your favorite number?
- 9 dooooooong

39)Are you have any boyfriend?
- yap! Rio Riyadi Kumesan

40)Do you vote?
- yeaaaa

ternyata ngk sesulit yang gua kira haha kenapa besok ulum MANDARIN tapi untung lah pengawasnya

ternyata ngk sesulit yang gua kira haha kenapa besok ulum MANDARIN tapi untung lah pengawasnya Pak Iwan huaaaaaa biarkan saya mencotek ria ya pak kalo ngk ntar fsnya ngk saya bantuin lagi loh buat di makeover haha

(sumpah Gitta gajelas banget)

gda kerjaan jadinya berbatik riaaaaa haha

RIO -pendekku sayang!
Canny Lydia Ecaa Keneto Etha Mon Senna Teresa Gavrila Moemoe Jill Amboon Ocioci Tere
mama papa adek temanteman IloveyouFULL

soal esay ngk teliti banget ,bego banget gua sumpah bzzt pak lamhot kasih saya nilai bagus ya huaaaa buat guru gue yang paling muna: jangan pelit pelit ya bu ngasih nilainya ,ntar makin pendek loh haha




credits: ursogay

Desember 2008

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